How To Remove White Spot on Laptop Screen | 6 Quick and Fast Tips

How To Remove White Spot on Laptop Screen: If you’ve been suffering from a white spot on your laptop screen for some time, you know it’s not pleasant. White spot is a common issue that may be pretty annoying, and if you’re not careful, it can cause harm to your laptop’s display. So, what can be done to eliminate it? 

How To Remove White Spot on Laptop Screen

This essay will provide advice from an expert on removing white spots from laptop screens. We will teach you all you need to know, from identifying the issue to fixing it. So read on, and we’ll help restore your laptop’s screen to its usual gleaming state!

Why does my laptop screen have a white spot?

Screen Damage

It is common for displays, especially laptop screens, to become damaged. Consequently, screen damage is one of the most common causes of white spots on laptop displays. When the screen is damaged, the pixels in the affected area can no longer display color correctly.

Depending on the extent of the damage, the affected region may appear white, black, or any other hue.

Several frequent causes of screen damage on laptops include:

  • Damage that happened by accident, like when you dropped the laptop or hit it against something.
  • Pressure damage, like sitting on your laptop or putting something heavy on top of it. 
  • Thermal damage can happen when the screen is exposed to temperatures that are too hot or too cold.

Loose LED Reflectors

LED reflectors that are loose could be the cause of bright spots or white dots on a laptop screen. Most LCD screens, like TVs, laptops, cell phones, etc., have reflectors that direct the light from the LED backlights to the LCD panel.

The LCD reflector is under the screen. If one of the reflectors is loose, it scatters the light and makes a white spot on the screen.

Stuck Pixel

A bright dot of color on an LCD screen is called a “stuck pixel.” It is because there is a broken cell on the screen that is always on. Stuck pixels are standard and can happen on all LCD screens, including TVs, laptops, smartphones, and tablets.


How To Remove White Spot on Laptop Screen

A white spot is most often caused by dust. Dust can build up on the surface of an LCD screen over time, making a white spot.


A white spot can also be caused by water. If your laptop gets wet like if you sweat or spill something on it, it can cause a white spot.

Hardware Issues

White spots can also be caused by broken hardware or dead pixels. A white spot can be caused by a problem with your laptop’s hardware.

Pixel Degradation

White spots can also be caused by pixels getting worse. Pixel degradation is when the pixels on your screen start to break down and get worse over time.

Ways to Fix White Spot on Laptop Screen

1- Fixing Stuck or Dead pixels on your Laptop Screen

As it is said, the white spot can be caused by either a dead pixel or a stuck pixel. So, to fix the pixel problem, you need to figure out which kind of pixel problem is causing the white spot.

If there is only one color on the part of your screen that doesn’t work, it is a stuck pixel. But the pixel is dead if there is no light in that spot. So, if the spot is caused by a stuck pixel, the best thing to do is turn off your laptop and turn it back on.

It can sometimes get the stuck pixel to go back to normal. If this doesn’t work, gently rub the area with a soft cloth. This can sometimes move the pixel out of the way and get it to work again.

2- Reinstall Your Laptop Display Drivers

If a software problem causes the white spot, you might be able to fix it by uninstalling and reinstalling your display driver.

To do this, do the following:

  • Install the newest version of the driver for your screen.
  • Restart your laptop.
  • Last, check to see if the white spots are no longer there.
  • Remove the driver for your screen.

3-Fixing Loose LED Reflectors of your Laptop

As we’ve said, one of the reasons why white spots show up on your laptop screen is because the LCD reflectors are loose. To fix loose LCD reflectors, follow the steps below:

Method- 1: The first and most important step is to make sure your laptop is completely turned off and unplugged from any power source. This will make sure that no electricity is flowing through your device.

Method- 2: The second step is to take the laptop’s body apart so you can get to the screen display. In some laptops, the speakers make it hard to get to the screen. So, if your laptop’s speakers are in the way, you will probably need to remove the speakers. Then, carefully disconnect them from the main circuit board.

Method- 3: After taking the speakers out of the circuit board, turn off the circuit board and take out the metal board. You’ll be able to get to the loose reflector this way. Now, find the loose reflector by lifting the tabs on the frame.

Before putting the laptop back together, ensure the glue is dry. As a result, LED reflectors are now more secure. Lastly, turn on your laptop and check for white spots again. They should be gone by now.

4-Replace Your Laptop Screen

If none of the above solutions worked, replacing your laptop screen is the only way to get rid of the white spot. But if your laptop is still under warranty, you may be better off sending it back to get it fixed or replaced.

Replacing a laptop screen can cost a lot, and you probably don’t want to pay for it yourself. But if your warranty has run out, you have no choice but to pay for a new laptop screen.

5- Pressure Way

Using pressure to fix pixel problems is another way to fix white spots on your laptop screen. You can use a soft cloth and a pen or pencil with a rounded end.

The “Pressure Method” is a way to fix a broken laptop screen by folding a cloth, putting it on the screen, and pressing it with a pen or pencil with a rounded end. Do this until the broken pixel is fixed if it ever is. Make sure you don’t press too hard on your laptop screen.

6- Tapping Way

You can also fix bad pixels on your screen by tapping on them. You’ll also need something with a rounded end, like an eraser or a pen, to use this method. But you won’t need a soft cloth this time.

Use a wallpaper effect or a blanker to make your screen’s background white. First, tap the eraser or pen right on the part of the screen that is broken. Then, tap the screen with enough force to see a white glow.

Change the background to white and check to see if the problem is still there.

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How to protect your laptop screen from the Black or White Spot?

You can do a few things to protect your laptop screen if it has a white spot on it. First, make sure your laptop is kept somewhere cool and dry. It will help keep the screen from breaking down too quickly.

Also, if you can, use a screen protector that reduces glare. These screen protectors help reduce the glare that can cause the white spot on your laptop screen.

A case to protect your laptop

Even though it’s not always necessary, you should always get a case to protect your laptop when you travel or when you’re not using it. It will not only keep your device from getting broken but also make it less likely that you’ll lose any personal information on it.

Don’t fall asleep on your laptop

Even though you might want to, don’t sleep on your laptop. By doing this, you are making it more likely that your screen will stop working. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as loose connections or damage from water.

Never press whenever cleaning you laptop

There is a real chance that you could damage your laptop’s screen if you try to clean it with brute force. For example, if you press too hard on the screen when you clean it, you could remove some of the pixels underneath. This can make the image on your laptop’s screen look distorted and even make it harder to see. So, be careful when you try to clean your laptop’s screen. Be gentle, and don’t press too hard.

FAQs About How To Remove White Spot on Laptop Screen

What is that white dot on my laptop?

“Hot pixels” could describe the white dot on your screen. When pixels get stuck, they are white dots called “hot pixels.” Stuck pixels can only show one color, and you can get rid of them by wiping the screen with a damp cloth.

What is a white spot on the hp laptop screen?

If your HP laptop screen has white spots on it, the screen may have broken down because of a hardware problem. It can be caused by anything from a dirty or broken screen to a dead or stuck pixel.

Can Dead Pixels Go Away?

Follow the tips in this article to get rid of dead pixels. They won’t go away on their own. These include wiping the screen with a microfiber cloth or, if that doesn’t work, getting a new screen.

Can I fix dead pixels?

You can’t fix a dead pixel, but you can bring it back to life. You can do this by wiping the area with the dead pixels with a damp cloth. If you can’t figure it out independently, you can always call a technician for help.

How do I fix my Dell, HP, or Lenovo laptop’s black and white spots?

No matter what brand you use, the steps to get rid of black or white dots are the same. In addition, the HP software for fixing pixels will work on other laptop brands, and the way to fix pixels manually will work on all laptop brands.

How do I get rid of the black spots on my screen?

Stuck pixels are dead pixels that appear on the smartphone screen as a black dot or a bright white or red spot that doesn’t move.

You might be able to get rid of them by massaging the area around the stuck pixel with soft tissue. With this method, the pixel can be turned around, and the color can be brought back.

Is there something I can do to keep the black spots from happening?

You can’t do much to stop these spots, but there are some things you can try that might help. First, make sure the laptop is getting enough airflow. If the screen gets too hot, there may be spots on it. Next, try to keep the screen of the laptop clean. If the spots are caused by a dirty screen, cleaning it might help.

Final Words : About How To Remove White Spot on Laptop Screen

As you can see, fixing a white spot on your laptop isn’t hard, and you might not even need to do it if you take care of your device. Whether they are stuck or dead, they are easy to fix if you know what steps to take.

But if the problem is complicated, don’t be afraid to ask for help from a qualified professional. If your computer is still under warranty, you should bring it back as soon as you see a black screen.

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