How To Fix Overheating Laptop Without Taking It Apart?

Most computer manufacturers have issues with CPU cooling mechanism. It’s a challenge for them to find a CPU that is compatible with the model number of the laptop. The most practical option is the one that best meets the needs of the customer. The fan and aluminium/copper heat sink cool the PC. Here are few tips to help you How To Fix Overheating Laptop Without Taking It Apart?

How Do I Determine Whether my Laptop is Overheating?

Laptops do not naturally overheat, which is the first point to note. Manufacturers take precautions to ensure that any laptop shipped remains sufficiently cool when performing intensive tasks, distributing heat throughout the chassis and maintaining airflow through vents.

Because of this, your laptop may appear to be overheating even when everything is operating normally on the inside.

To determine if your device is overheating, you should look for obvious signs, such as your laptop performing tasks significantly more slowly or simply shutting down during use.

This occurs because manufacturers implement failsafe’s that shut down your laptop to prevent overheating from causing internal damage.

However, if you want to be absolutely certain, you should install software that monitors your device’s internal temperatures.

There are numerous options, including Core Temp, which is free and simple to use. After installation, run an intensive program such as a game or a benchmarking application and observe whether your temperatures rise above 90 degrees Celsius. If they do, you are experiencing overheating.

The Laptop’s Cooling Mechanism

The CPU connect to the heat sink via a thermal compound or thermal grease. Heat carries by the grease, not by the electricity. An important task for manufacturers is to remove as much heat from the CPU’s heat sink and fan as possible.

For the CPU, ventilation systems must pull cool air from beneath the device. Push it up through a heat sink, and then direct that air away from the front or back of the device.

Copper is the liquid. It moves electricity via a radiator with exhaust vents in an automobile. Speeding up the system is the only way to get rid of the heat.


Over time, vent fan and radiator exhaust outlet particles clogged.

It keeps the system cool by reducing airflow. With air and brushes for earphones, it is easy to keep vents and fans clean. When the computer overheats, there is a hidden problem.

Because they dry out the thermal compounds used to conduct heat. The system overheats more than it would otherwise. Overheating can prevent by a variety of CPU variants. these variants include an integrated cooling mechanism.

  • Internal CPU components are well-protected.
  • It results in a gradual decrease in operating speed during the final switch-off.
  • Over time, the computer’s performance degrades to the point where it terminates.
  • The computer shuts off.
  • Buy a laptop cooling pad.
  • Utilize compressed air to clean the vents on your laptop.
  • Close down performance-intensive programmes.
  • Transfer laptop to a cooler, more airy location.
  • Reduce gaming graphics settings.
  • Reduce the CPU’s performance.
  • Close down performance-intensive programmes.

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Preparation is the first step.

Even though a catastrophic failure is unlikely. Securing the system’s data with a backup is an important first step. Software and data can restore and reinstalled by using this method. Make sure that all your data has backed up.

A separate storage device can use to store the recovery. we should store only a laptop’s primary or existing hard drive.

Create a work environment that is dry, clean, and has an appropriate amount of space. to work in. Because it will be lying on the screen for the majority of the procedure, use a dry towel or a soft fabric to protect it. To complete the entire process, you’ll need about 30 minutes.

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Gather the necessary equipment

  • we can not dissemble the screws without the proper tools. With the deodorant’s cap, you can use it in a variety of ways.
  • An essential tool is a thermal grease scraper or a tongue depressor.
  • To remove dirt, use a brush.
    Check the sized tools for removing screws from a particular laptop.
  • To carry out this procedure, we can use the cotton swabs.
  • Thermal grease is a necessary component of the system. It’s available at a variety of local shops and hardware stores.

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Instruments that are optional

  • The usage of earth straps or grounding cables is essential.
  • A small number of alcohol-based cleaning wipes
  • Rubber gloves or finger cots can recommend.

It’s important to keep in mind that the whole procedure will take around 30 minutes. As a result, you save a great deal of money and don’t have to buy a new laptop.

Remove the battery and the back cover

Shut down the laptop after making a backup of any vital data or information. Afterwards, remove and disconnect the battery and power cable.

  • Model-specific release procedures govern the battery.
  • Get rid of anything that you don’t need on your laptop.
  • Clean the fan and process it along with your device’s RAM.
  • Clean and process the fan, as well as the RAM on your gadget.

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Cooling unit’s vents

Hairdryer vents may use to clean the motherboard and other components. Remove any dust that has collected. The fan blades can use to clean with earbuds. Keep an eye on the fan and hair dryer to make sure they don’t function in the opposite direction of how you want them to. Brush everything and blast it with air one last time to make sure it’s clean.

FAQs: How To Fix Overheating Laptop Without Taking It Apart?

Can I place my laptop in the refrigerator?

Do not place it in a refrigerator. Eventually, condensation will kill it. If it is impossible to upgrade the machine, use an air conditioner. Place the laptop close to the vent, and it will perform as required.

Will a laptop that overheats shut down?

Eventually, excessive heat can cause internal components to deteriorate. When a computer overheats, you may experience the following symptoms: The fans inside the computer become louder and begin to spin more quickly to remove the excess heat. The computer may occasionally restart or shut down.

Why is my computer overheating when nothing is running?

Why Does Your Computer Overheat? Your laptop overheats as a result of inadequate cooling. Dust-blocking intake or exhaust ports, a clogged fan, or degrading thermal paste or the thermal pad are potential causes.

Are laptops cooler when opened?

A fanless laptop (uncommon in modern times) or a laptop claiming to be silent and thin relies on an open lid to cool itself effectively. Depending on the workload, it may have no effect, make the laptop slightly hotter and slower, accelerate fan or CPU wear, or draw more dust into the radiator.

How do I restart a laptop that has overheated?

Unplug the computer’s power adapter. To reset most laptops, press and hold the Power button for 15 seconds. Reconnect the AC adapter to the laptop, but do not connect any peripherals. To activate the computer, press the Power button.

How hot is too hot for a laptop computer?

Laptops are intended to operate within a safe temperature range, typically between 50 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit. This range denotes the optimal operating temperature of the exterior environment and the temperature to which the laptop should be brought before use.

How long does a laptop take to overheat?

There is no reason for a laptop to overheat if it is used properly and has ventilation provided by a stand or other device. Using it on a soft surface (blanket, pillow, etc.) and overworking it could cause it to overheat within minutes.

If a computer overheats, will it crash?

Overheating is a common occurrence in all computer systems. Not only can overheating cause the system to crash frequently, but it also drastically reduces the lifespan of the system’s components.


To keep a laptop from overheating, a variety of techniques exist. The laptop’s internal components may destroy if the laptop overheats. Adages like this one are common. A laptop may have prevented damage and saved money.

When using a laptop, always keep it on a level, firm surface. Clothes, blankets, and comforters block ventilation, causing laptops to overheat.

The performance of the CPU is immediately boosted by a reduction in heat build-up. It raises the laptop and has fans that circulate air from the bottom to keep it cool. The CPU’s temperature should check in many places.

Alcohol wipes will not remove thermal grease. To clean up, you’ll have to spread everything, even grease, with it. To remove the grease, use a dry cloth or blow some air over the affected area.

Vents may clean with a hairdryer and a brush. As a result, the likelihood of components overheating may reduce.

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Can we fix a laptop that overheats?

Inadequate airflow underneath the laptop might result in overheating. This may fix by raising and protecting your PC with a compact book. A laptop cooling pad can prefer than a book for ensuring enough ventilation.

How do I prevent laptop from overheating?

Disconnect your laptop’s connections and batteries. Then, check the vents and fan for dirt or other obstructions. You may use compressed air to clean your laptop’s vents. You can also adjust the system’s fan control settings.

How to cool down my laptop without shutting it off?

When working with your laptop, avoid using it on a carpeted or cushioned surface. Make sure the laptop is at a comfortable position. Keep it clean. Know your laptop’s average performance. Clean it. Learn how to protect it.

How long is laptop battery life before overheating?

In regular usage, a laptop’s battery lasts roughly three hours. Gaming gets you about an hour of battery life. If you own a laptop or a PC, you should take CPU overheating since it may lead to a variety of issues.

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To keep a laptop from overheating, a variety of techniques exist. The laptop’s internal components may destroy if the laptop overheats. Adages like this one are common. A laptop may have prevented damage and saved money.

When using a laptop, always keep it on a level, firm surface. Clothes, blankets, and comforters block ventilation, causing laptops to overheat.

The performance of the CPU is immediately boosted by a reduction in heat build-up. It raises the laptop and has fans that circulate air from the bottom to keep it cool. The CPU’s temperature should check in many places.

Alcohol wipes will not remove thermal grease. To clean up, you’ll have to spread everything, even grease, with it. To remove the grease, use a dry cloth or blow some air over the affected area.

Vents may clean with a hairdryer and a brush. As a result, the likelihood of components overheating may reduce.

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